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Sherline Pneumatic Bar Feeder for our Chucker Lathe and Ball Screw Lathe
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Sherline Pneumatic Bar Feeder in action
Accu-Pro Line Introducing our newest line of professional CNC machining centers featuring MASSO Explore now
Our new Accu-Pro machines embody the strength and reliability of Sherline combined with a state-of-the-art MASSO G3 touch controller
With MASSO, you can write your CNC programs on your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) and then transfer your program to the controller via a USB flash drive. No more having to use a dedicated operating system like Linux or Mach 4 to control your machine.
Machine Features:
• High-Torque closed-loop stepper motors
• Precision ball screws
• Industrial cable system from the controller to the machine
• Precision C5 headstock bearings
• WiFi capability
• Program text editor
• Optical encoder
• G-code spindle speed control
Explore now

To see all of Sherline’s precision equipment, click here

Customer Testimonials

Slide "As a clockmaker and manufacturer, I’d known about Sherline lathes for many years, but when I began manufacturing rose engine lathes, I started using their machine components as part of my assemblies. These components offered the precision I needed at an affordable price, and they inventory the parts which made it perfect for small batch manufacturing. I couldn’t have had the success I had without them. "

David Lindow, Clockmaker
Lindow Rose Engine
Slide "I discovered Sherline Products many years ago. Because their machines are so versatile, I have been using either their base machine, or components to build custom machines for my customers. Examples include wrapping, winding, laser welding, and other specialty machines. Quality products, custom parts, and excellent service! "

Fredrick Williams – Custom Machine Builder
Slide “I have been using my Sherline lathe and milling machine for five years, and they have become an invaluable part of my model shop. The variety of attachments offered makes it possible to accomplish just about any machining operation on a wide range of model work. I highly recommend Sherline machines.”

Phil Mattson, Master Model Builder
Slide “We purchased a couple of your machines several months ago on the strong recommendation from one of our customers. I’d just like to tell you that we’ve been nothing but pleased with the quality, performance, and support we’ve gotten out of the deal. I’m also pleased to be supporting a US company!”

Michael Frome, Chief Design Engineer
FROMECO Scale Avionics
Slide “I own a small machine shop doing contract work for a major corporation. We use the Sherline lathe in a winding capacity in conjunction with a much larger machine. This system has been successful using Sherline equipment to the point where a multitude of machines has been purchased over the years.”

Larry Rubido, The Machine Shop
Slide “I own eleven lathes, including four different miniature, precision or watchmaker’s lathes. My Sherline is one of the best and most useful of them.”

Alan Walmer, Machinist
Slide “I received my Sherline Deluxe Mill and accessories today. Wow!! What a fine machine!! I cannot find words to tell you how pleased I am with my purchase. I received a precision machine, a multitude of accessories and instructions for hundreds of dollars less than the next closest mill I could find–for just the mill with no accessories."

Arden Howell IV
Slide “I know that I made the right choice to go with Sherline Products. The build quality and accuracy of your machines not only impress me but also your level of service that backs your great products. In a world of fast food, disposable items, and nonexistent customer service, Sherline is a breath of fresh air. It’s like going back in time to when people actually took pride in making a quality product and backed it by reputation.”

Kent Ochiai
Slide “After using the lathe for a week and a half it has surpassed my wildest dreams of usability. It is more powerful than I ever would have suspected, it leaves a beautiful finish and is highly accurate. The machine has worked so well that I am not only using it for prototypes but for a small production run as well!"

Jordan Blessing, President
ScopeTronix Astronomy Products