Leadscrew Benchtop Lathe-Acorn CNC Control

You can custom-build your own leadscrew lathe with an Acorn CNC controller. Choose the options in each step to configure your leadscrew lathe and your Acorn control, and select optional limit switches. For more information and technical specifications of CNC machine components, use the links below to see their individual pages.

17″ Leadscrew Benchtop Lathe
Sherline/Acorn CNC Controller
Limit Switch Assemblies

NOTE: The image shown includes the 4-axis driver box (P/N 8760) and is for reference only. Your Lathe/Acorn configuration might not include P/N 8760.

Lead time for custom-built machine/Acorn configurations is 3 to 4 weeks.

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Below are all of the configuration options for our Leadscrew Lathe. Click the More Info links on any of the products for more detailed descriptions and specifications.

Headstock Options:

Standard #1 Morse Headstock.
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#1 Morse Electroless Nickel-Plated Spindle Headstock.
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30113 3C Collet Headstock

3C Collet Headstock.
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ER-16 Collet Headstock.
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9/16″ Headstock.
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Stepper Motor Options:

67127 stepper motor

Standard Stepper Motors.
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High-Torque Stepper Motors.
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If you are working with brass or wood, we suggest you use the toggle switch dust cover to protect the life of your motor & speed control.

The MASSO G3 CNC controller, power supply, stepper motors, cable system and optical encoder are sold as a part of our Accu-Pro line of machines and are not available for purchase separately or as an upgrade option to existing machines.