Learning CNC

Sherline has taken some of the hassles out of learning to use CNC by supplying a system with a computer preloaded with the operating system and software. The driver board and power supply for the stepper motors are installed right in the computer box. Just plug the cables in, boot up the machine, read the instructions, and start learning to use CNC to help you make parts. Sherline’s system uses Linux for the operating system and LinuxCNC (formerly EMC) for the program to run your g-code. You can generate your g-code by writing it yourself or by importing it from a separate CAD/CAM program of your own choice. The instructions, however, suggest that before you start generating fancy 3D programs in some third-party software, you should become thoroughly familiar with exactly what g-code is and how it works. If you are starting from scratch, this won’t be an easy task, but without this knowledge, you will be severely limited in what you can produce with CNC machines, large or small. If you don’t understand the code, you may find it impossible to analyze why your fancy program-generated code won’t run.
That is why Joe Martin took the time to write some very comprehensive basic instructions on getting to know CNC and g-code. The links below will take you to these instructions. Much like learning any foreign language, there is no shortcut. You just have to get in there and learn it. Some will find it easier than others, and the more quickly your old high school trigonometry lessons come back to you, the easier it will be. Even if you don’t intend to buy a system, you might find it interesting to read these instructions to bring yourself up to speed on what actually goes into making parts with computer-controlled machines. Here are the links:
CNC Instructions
LinuxCNC help document for Sherline CNC systems
LinuxCNC Help for the Sherline Machine CNC System includes sample G and M-code, suggestions for tool holders, and setting up your tools. The PDF also includes links to external web CNC documentation and a YouTube Sherline tool video.
What Is Needed to Make Parts on a CNC Machine? Learn what it takes to convert a drawing into a g-code program to make parts on a CNC machine.
Instructions for resetting the LinuxCNC program
Resetting LinuxCNC PDF Most computer programs have a “reset button.” LinuxCNC does not. This document explains how to reset your program back to the beginning.
Operating Instructions for the Sherline Vertical Milling Machine CNC System
Version 7.0
Version 7.0 PDF For computers that come with Linux (Ubuntu-Precise Pangolin) O/S version 12.04 and LinuxCNC v. 2.6.11 (Installed starting October 2017)
Operating Instructions for the Sherline Vertical Milling Machine CNC System
Version 6.0
Version 6.0 PDF For computers that come with Linux (Ubuntu-Lucid Lynx) O/S v. 10.04 LinuxCNC v. 2.6.10 (Installed starting December 2016)
(EMC2 is now referred to as LinuxCNC. Also for versions supplied by Sherline on CD with P/N 8760 driver box)
Operating Instructions for the Sherline Vertical Milling Machine CNC System
Version 5.0
Version 5.0 PDF For computers that come with Linux (Ubuntu-Hoary Hedgehog) O/S version 5.00 (Installed starting September 2009)
Operating Instructions for the Sherline Vertical Milling Machine CNC System
Version 4.0
Linux (Debian) O/S version 4.51* (Installed starting January 2005)
Version 4e PDF For computers with a floppy drive
Version 4f PDF For computers that replaced floppy drive with USB flash drive
Operating Instructions for the Sherline Vertical Milling Machine CNC System
Version 1.0
Version 1.0 PDF For computers that come with Linux (Redhat) O/S version 2.18* (Installed from inception through December 2004)
Installation Guides
Quickstart guide (6.0) to hooking up and starting your computer
Installing and reinstalling Linux and EMC takes you through the installation process
EMC-related updates
Changes and updates that have been made to the Linux and EMC programs
*Functionally there is little difference between EMC version 2.18 and version 4.51; however, the 4.xx (Debian) version is more installer-friendly than the older (Redhat) version and will work on a wider variety of hardware. It also has a drag-and-drop file feature and more choices on the graphic interface in Linux.
Version 5.00 (Ubuntu) is easier to install and has a more Windows-like interface. The main differences in the instructions refer to how the programs are opened and how files are transferred, so if you are just reading them to learn about CNC and g-code, it won’t matter too much which version you choose to read. This version includes EMC2 instead of EMC, which is similar but includes a lathe program as well as a mill program.
6.00 (Ubuntu) includes several new sub-routines and an even more Windows-like user interface.