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Sherline/Acorn CNC Controller


3-week lead time

Select your Driver, Spindle Control Isolator Board, and Encoder Pulley Headstock Mounting options for pricing.

Please see the Options tab below for more information on the configuration options.

Clear selection
  • *Preferred unit of measurement for laser engraved portions
    Please note that our ball screws only come in a metric pitch
  • *4-Axis CNC Driver Box

    *Spindle Control Isolator Board

    *Encoder Pulley Mounting Option

    Reset options

    Add the External Incremental Rotary Encoder

    Add Acorn "Pro" CNC12 Software License Upgrade

    NOTE: The software is board-specific.

  • NOTE: The MASSO Optical Encoder will not work with the Sherline/Acorn CNC Controller.

    *Please specify which machine(s) you will be using the controller with and if you have leadscrews or ballscrews

About the Sherline/Acorn CNC Controller

Based on customer requests, feedback, and our in-house testing, we now offer the Centroid Acorn CNC Controller with our Sherline machines. The Sherline/Acorn CNC Controller is a Plug-and-Play unit with no complex wiring required.

Centroid CNC is an American company in Howard, PA, founded in 1979. The Acorn CNC Control is a top-of-the-line CNC control that is reliable, high-performance, and industrial quality.

Sherline has always designed our accessories and machines to be backward compatible. The Acorn controller offers our customers a quality CNC controller that can be used with our newest and older machine models. It is an excellent choice for Sherline customers looking to upgrade their older machine and/or CNC control.

The Sherline/Acorn CNC control (P/N 9400) comes in a custom housing with all the desired components inside and all necessary connections on the front and rear panels. This custom control housing has the Acorn board and the relay card mounted inside. It includes all the wiring for the DB9, DB25, 2-wire Molex connectors, the Ethernet connection, the power supply, the circuit breaker, and the cooling fan.

Getting started with Acorn CNC

For customers interested in the Acorn controller, we suggest you watch the videos in the links below. Many of our customers are new to CNC, and one of the questions we often receive is, “Does this controller generate g-code programs?” Until now, the answer has been no. For most CNC controllers, the g-code program is created using separate CAD/CAM software. This requires additional expense and time to learn the CAD/CAM program. The Acorn has one of the best “conversational” programs that we have seen on any controller, which is their “Intercon Conversational Software.” Watch these videos, and you will see how easy it is to take your part from idea, hand sketch, or DXF file to a running g-code program using only the Acorn control.

  1. Centroid CNC Control User Training Video: CNC Milling Machine Training
  2. Centroid DXF Import Using Intercon Conversational Software
  3. Centroid Acorn Lathe Conversational Programming Primer

Sherline/Acorn CNC controller features:

  • Custom control housing
  • External ethernet connection
  • Power switch and power light
  • Cooling fan
  • Three DB9 connectors, three DB25 connectors, and three 2-pin Molex connectors
  • Push-to-reset circuit breaker
  • Acorn CNC control board
  • Acorn Plug-and-Play Relay Module
    NOTE: The Plug-and-Play Relay is mounted inside the control housing, wired to the Acorn board, and wired to the DB25 connector on the control’s back panel. Click the Instructions tab above for a PDF link with more plug-and-play relay information.
  • Dual power, 5 VDC, and 24 VDC logic power supply (50/60 Hz 100-120 VAC and 208-240 VAC input power)
  • 15’ Shielded Ethernet cable to connect the controller to a computer
  • External e-stop with 2ft. cord
  • The control will connect to any of the 24v stepper motors we sell with our machines. The Acorn controller will NOT work with the MASSO 36v closed-loop stepper motors.
  • If you use our 24v stepper motors, you will use our 4-axis driver box (P/N 8760). The driver box connects to the DB25 connector on the backside of the control.
  • If you use your own stepper motors and drives, you connect them to the “Aux 4-axis” DB25 connector.
  • For wiring information for DIY customers, go to the Specifications tab above.
Acorn Software:

A free version of Centroid CNC12 is included with each Acorn kit for setup use. However, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you purchase the Centroid Acorn “Pro” CNC12 Software License. Use the radio-button menu above to select the software version for your mill or lathe (NOTE: The software is board-specific). CLICK HERE for Acorn “Pro” CNC12 Software License details.

The Centroid Upgraded CNC12 software comes with Intercon CAM software. The Intercon CAM software allows you to use your part directly from the print without needing CAD/CAM software. This is great for beginners or customers who are not familiar with programming CNC. The Intercon CAM software also allows you to import DXF files to generate your G-code program. For example, we used the Intercon software to import the DXF file we used to run the Knife Handles program, as seen in our Machining a Knife Handle w/the Acorn Controller video (see the Sherline Videos tab above).

The components and connections on the front control panel:

  • Ethernet connection
  • Power switch and power LED light
  • Cooling fan

The connections on the back control panel:

  • Three DB25 connectors for 1) Sherline 4-axis Driver Box, 2) Aux 4-axis Control for multiple drives, stepper or servo motors, 3) The relay card
  • Three DB9 connectors for 1) Limit switches, 2) External Encoder*, 3) Aux Tool Setter or Touch Probe (only one can be connected, not both)
    *Download the Sherline/Acorn Spindle Speed-Control information
  • Three 2-wire Molex connectors for 1) E-stop button, 2) Spindle control, 3) Laser
Click on the image for a larger view.

Selecting your controller options:

Our Sherline CNC customers fall into a few categories.

  • DIY Customer
    For DIY customers who buy CNC-ready machines and install their own hardware, such as motors, drives, and encoders, purchase the Sherline/Acorn CNC Controller (P/N 9400) without any options.
  • CNC Upgrade Customer
    Customers who are interested in a controller upgrade for their current CNC machine. If you already have a Sherline Linux PC or a 4-axis driver box, purchase the Sherline/Acorn CNC Controller with a spindle control isolator board and an External Encoder to fit your headstock (standard or 3C).

    Click on the image for a larger view.

    NOTE: Several of our customers have purchased CNC machines that were made by Sherline for companies such as Denford (the picture to the right shows a Sherline CNC lathe in the Denford enclosure), D & M, LabVolt, Paxton-Patterson, and Light Machines (Spectralight). They have upgraded the now unsupported CNC system on these machines using the Acorn control. See the link below for one such conversion as posted on the Centroid CNC forum.
    Centroid Denford/Sherline Microlathe Conversion
    The Centroid Community CNC Support Forum also has a complete list of Acorn CNC Controller documentation.
    Centroid Community CNC Support Forum

  • CNC Turnkey Customer
    Customers who want to buy a complete CNC turnkey system. Select your Sherline CNC-ready machine and 24v stepper motors. Then, add the 4-axis driver box, the spindle control isolator board, and an external encoder to fit your headstock of choice.

Our Acorn CNC controller is designed for the different needs of these end users. The Sherline/Acorn CNC Controller base model (P/N 9400) is for the DIY customer. See the Options tab above for detailed information regarding the drop-down menu options.

NOTE: You must have a motor drive or the spindle control isolator board, along with the external encoder, to control the spindle via G-code. They work in unison to acquire the correct spindle RPM.

Customer Requirements for Centroid Acorn:

Click the Instructions tab above to download the What Customers Need to Supply to Use Centroid Acorn Information.

Optional equipment

You can use the Sherline/Acorn CNC controller with or without limit switches. CLICK HERE for more information on Limit Switch Assemblies for Sherline lathes and mills.

Optional Add-ons

Part No.


Driver Box:


4-Axis CNC Driver Box
More info…

Spindle Control Isolator Board:


Add the Spindle Control Isolator Board for spindle speed control.
More info…

External Encoder Pulley Mounting Kits:

Add the External Encoder Pulley Mounting Kit to your Sherline/Acorn CNC machine. The mounting kits include an encoder pulley (for your type of headstock) and headstock mounting hardware. The external incremental rotary encoder is an optional purchase. External encoders control the spindle speed via G-code on lathes and mills. On the lathe, it allows you to cut single point threads where the spindle speed and the feed rate are in sync.

For the Standard Morse #1 Headstock


Add the external encoder pulley and mounting hardware for the Standard Headstock. The main spindle pulley has one high-speed pulley groove and can be used with the Standard Lever Collet Closer.
More info…

For the 3C Headstock


Add the External Encoder encoder pulley and and mounting hardware for the 3C Headstock. The main spindle pulley has high-speed and low-speed (high-torque) pulley grooves and can be used with the 3C Lever Collet Closer.
More info…

For the Standard Morse #1 Headstock


Add the External Encoder encoder pulley and and mounting hardware for the Standard Headstock. The main spindle pulley has high-speed and low-speed (high-torque) pulley grooves. However, it CANNOT be used with a Lever Collet Closer.
More info…

Acorn CNC Software

A free version of Centroid CNC12 is included with each Acorn kit for setup use. However, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you purchase the Centroid Acorn “Pro” CNC12 Software License. NOTE: The software is board-specific.

Acorn Mill Software


Add the Acorn Mill “Pro” CNC12 Software License.
More info…

Acorn Lathe Software


Add the Acorn Lathe “Pro” CNC12 Software License.
More info…

The improper use of machine tools and their accessories can result in serious injury. Before using this tool, thoroughly read the instructions and make sure you understand its proper and safe use.


Always wear safety glasses when operating machine tools.

Download the Sherline/Acorn CNC Control Quick Start Reference instructions

BEGIN HERE FIRST! Read our Sherline/Acorn CNC Control Quick Start Reference instructions first, since they go over how to connect everything on our Sherline control. The Centroid Quick Start is a generic quick start.

Instructions PDF Download

Acorn CNC Controller Quick Start Guide
The Centroid Acorn CNC controller Installation and start-up guide includes written instructions, links, and videos to help get you up and running with your Acorn CNC controller.

Centroid Community CNC Support Forum
The Centroid Community CNC Support Forum is a complete list of Acorn CNC Controller documentation.

Part No. Description Quantity
9400 Acorn CNC Controller 1
9410 E-stop 1
87825 Main Limit-Switch Cable 1
87837 6-foot Connection Cable 1
87839 1-foot Speed-Control Pig Tail Cable 1

Laser Marking a Ceramic Tile w/ the Acorn Controller

Laser Marking the Sherline 50th Anniversary Logo

Machining a Knife Handle w/the Acorn Controller

How to Install an Acorn CNC12 License

Auto Z Zero and Tool Setting

Centroid CNC Control User Training Video: CNC Millling Machine

Centroid DXF Import Using Intercon Conversational Software

Centroid Acorn Lathe Conversational Programming Primer

Sherline with 8760 Driver Box and Speed Control Board Schematics

Download PDF Diagram of the Acorn Lathe Connection Configuration
Download the Acorn Mill Lathe Connection Config with Rotary Encoder instructions
Download PDF Diagram of the Acorn Mill Connection Configuration w/Tool Setter
Download PDF Diagram of the Acorn Mill Connection Configuration w/Touch Probe
Download PDF Diagram of the Laser Connection to Acorn Board in Sherline/Acorn Control
Download PDF Diagram of the Acorn to Sherline Wiring
Download PDF Diagram of the DB25 Crossover Cable for Acorn to 8760 Driver Box

DIY Schematics

Download PDF Diagram of the Acorn Back-Panel Configuration for DB9 and DB25 Connectors
Download PDF Diagram of the Connecting Acorn to the G540 Gecko 4-Axis Driver
Download PDF Diagram of the Connecting Acorn to the G540 Gecko Driver for the Opt Laser
Download PDF Diagram of the Connecting Acorn to the 201 Gecko 4-Axis Driver
Download PDF Diagram of the Connecting Acorn to the 201 Gecko Driver for a 10w Laser

If you are working with brass or wood, we suggest you use the toggle switch dust cover to protect the life of your motor & speed control.

The MASSO G3 CNC controller, power supply, stepper motors, cable system and optical encoder are sold as a part of our Accu-Pro line of machines and are not available for purchase separately or as an upgrade option to existing machines.